Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The speeding car

 One day there was a hole in the ground machines came to fix it a car was coming so fast that it fell in the hole the car got dirty because there was mud. It took one day to get the car out  the police had to come the person in the car got in trouble for driving to fast. After some time the builders that where fixing the road where almost done but there was still some pieces of the car they finished the hole after one week.Then the car came so so fast that it almost crashed the police came again and said your not allowed to drive for one month.After one month he started to drive he wasn't driving to fast he was driving to slow then the police came again they said no driving to slow or to fast if you aren't aloud to drive for a month. After a month when he could drive he didn't drive to fast or to slow but he drove with no belt on the police caught him with no belt on the police said your going to jail. After some time the police fond out that he dissent know how to drive so they went and asked do you know how to drive no do you want me to teach you yes!

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